Wednesday 19 November 2014


Guys and dolls across my Instagram and blog!!!! So yesterday I was given this awesome item from the lovely guys at @ambisionfitness I will be writing a post up on my blog in a few weeks with before and after results. But if you can't wait go grab your #GMAXXX for an amazing Lower body workout that targets the glutes, legs and stomach. Go to! My followers can enter code QELGM to get a 10% discount on all orders! #ambisionfitness #queenesotericblog #blogger #fitness #booty 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Covering up eyebrow scars secretly

Well my next post was meant to be how to do a kylie Jenner style lip, but I have a had a urgent request on how to cover up a scar on the eyebrow. Seeing as pencils and powders alone just don't quite cut the mustard and can appear patchy and obvious. 

So first up to help from the inside out: if you knew me when I was younger you will know I never used to have eyebrows, not from over plucking but a genetic thing - thanks nan!! This set me out on a mission to find a way of growing eyebrows with the use of vitamins that wouldn't leave me looking like a bush monkey in areas other than my eyebrows TMI?? If you go back to the post on my blog on the 26th may 14, there will be way more details. I used the centrum multi vitamin tablets that gave me eyebrows I was completely amazed!! I'm not saying it will grow hair from a scar but the hair around it wil thicken and grow longer so you can cover up the missing patch , kinda like a eyebrow comb over  haha. 

Right so I don't have scars in my brows they are just sparse, so I had to use special effex makeup wax to give the effect of a scar in my Brow so I could get the closest result possible. 

Firstly I used the brow marker by gosh from superdrug. It is my makeup staple. It's nothing like a waxy pencil that enhances bald patches. It creates a definite line that perfectly blends into the rest of the brow. It's also a stain so even after showering it will leave a subtle print of what was there. And the best bit yet?.. IT DOES NOT SMUDGE, or come off oily skin. It is the best thing ever invited in terms of brow stay power. There are actually 4 shades but I always use a cotton bud to blend to get the perfect tone. 

After getting the base I used a brow brush to the even the hairs around the 'scar'. Next up using the MUA brow pallet from superdrug to set the brow to refrain it from looking oily and just to blend even more. I used to darkest colour at the furthest end of the brow, then gradually using the lighter colours towards the inside of the brow and blend ,blend, blend!!  You don't want the brow to appear like a block at the inside. So make sure you blend. Also remember the lighter your skin tone the lighter your brows MUST be in comparison to someone with a darker skin tone, otherwise you will look washed out and clearly look fake. Just think pitch black brows, blonde hair and Lily white skin. It's not a good look. 


And there you have it. A brow that nobody would be any wiser!! 
Here is a few of the products and tools I used. Thanks for reading! Q.Ex 

Fatal reaction to the CARINO hairdye!

Helloooo er'body im so sorry I haven't done a blog in ages but I've just had so much going on in my life the past few months it's just been a no go! 

But I'm back and I'm back with fire in my eyes.  

Right so if you follow me on Instagram (the link is at the top of the page) you will know my hair growing journey was cut short, long story short - I went to fuengirola on holiday and wanted to be a baldy in the sun! Well all round I just felt more comfortable without hair. I know most of you will think how can you feel more comfortable without hair? but it's extremely empowering being a woman with a buzz cut. 

Having a bald head in the summer I love to be a platinum colour, I have to cut and bleach my hair once a week it can be quite tedious and expensive with my normal loreal preference in extreme platinum at £6. So I tried to search for a cheaper option to bleach my hair.
So I purchased the Carino hair due
From Aldi for £2.39 in lightest beige blonde. 

Oh my god this has been the most horrific thing I have ever experienced. I done the patch test 48 hours prior to the actual dye. The instructions suggest to leave on for 30-40 minutes. Holy cr*p after 7 minutes my scalp was on fire, the only way I can explain the pain was like having my head tattooed with household bleach. It was truly excruciating!! 

I have had blisters before from bleach but nothing on this level EVER!! I felt very poorly after and ended up going to my doctor to be given medication. 

Trading standards were contacted and actually paid me a visit to my house and sent a sample to the labs to be tested. 

Later found out this product contains PPD which has caused many deaths but doing a patch test will not show this up, so just a heads up - go very very careful on what you put on your hair. And a massive lesson learned - you get what you pay for. 

Hope this has given everyone a heads up and a warning!  Keep an eye out for my next post you beauties! 